We are a Community of Faith 

We are a people who Worship together, creating an atmosphere where family and friends can gather to celebrate and receive God's grace.  Through proclaiming God's Love, sharing the Lord's Supper, and singing of God's Goodness we find nurture and renewal. 
We are a people who Learn together, striving to better understand ourselves, our neighbors, and our world within God's truth and grace. 
We are a people who Befriend one another, supporting one another through groups with common interests, concerns, needs and hopes.
We are a people who Serve, reaching out with our own gifts and talents to meet the  needs of others in our community and beyond. 

We are a people who Believe, trusting God's forgiveness and grace, leaning on God's love through Christ Jesus, and looking for the power of God's Spirit to lead and guide us.
We are a Community of Faith. 

© 2025 Faith Lutheran, Troy, NY
Connected Sound - Websites for the Barbershop Community